Sunday, May 17, 2020

They Chose To Dress To Celebrate IDAHOTBX+

They are the two formidable community mobilisers!

Meet Wasswa Chris, a Health Navigator and Mother Nature.On this day they are using art to craft health promotion meme and narratives.

Posing next to a flag, or putting on that fabulous attire. All that is living in the healthy moment.

We celebrate all of them.

You will see Mother Nature as she uses art and body politics to create positive narratives. Empowering narratives indeed. She is a woman. A bearded male mother. She deploys her body to unleash a motherhood agency, autonomy and self determination. She came crashing through mis-chaetophobia, a phobia for women with hair. She has then taken on andro- chaetophobia, a phobia for men who plait or dye hair!

What a powerful way to make the fears into weapons that contribute to a common good. She has been a poster child for Elimination of violence against Women; Anti-TB, HIV and Malaria Champion integrating COVID-19 response. She has given sessions to other people who have different phobias and together came up with tolerance driven community based activities.

We now know more about different phobias e.g. trichopathophobia, tomophobia, tonitrophobia, toxiphobia, traumatophobia and now ladies, gentlemen and others meet Mother Nature and Lady Tinah!

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