Sunday, April 19, 2020

COVID-19: The good uses of food; The Nature Network Shows Gratefulness and Shares Compassionately

At the Nature Network,
we strive to say thank you to all those who support our initiative.
We are following the COVID-19 restrictions to the letter.

But as a social support organisation this also means to tailor our work to suit the daily needs of our beneficiaries. We have to lobby for support on a daily basis to feed about 100-250 people who reach out to us. Some are bed-ridden, some have chronic illnesses to care for and others are in need of counselling and guidance following traumas.

Our safe space is also a recreation space; a livelihood promotion centre and a home. We are so grateful to all those who provide us with support to reach out to over 170 beneficiaries. Being a mother at the Nature Network is a big responsibility. A responsibility I could not bear alone. If it were not for the entire Nature Network team, I would have been ineffective but I am not. We work as a team and through the smiles, the innovations and compassionate heart we reach out to others. We share the food we get among ourselves and other people. But what is food?

Food is a substance out of which satisfies our hunger,
food is a substance out of which we get nutritious elements,
the nutritious elements boost our immunity,
food gives us energy to do,
food gives us the essence to be,
food is security,
food reassures,
food keeps us at home,
food enables us reach out to others,
food brings people together,
food strengthens bonds,
food is unifies,
Food provides the substance the body uses to make us lively, energised and active.
Food provides substances upon which our immunity is built.
It is this immunity added to proper hygiene that makes our bodies stronger. It makes them withstand germs which if we allowed to attack us, we would be vulnerable to COVID-19, TB, HIV, Malaria and other illnesses. Food makes us continue doing our work effectively.
We dedicate time to reach out to those who are ill,
we provide space for them to heal,
we make our safe space a conducive space for play,
we engage in livelihood projects like poultry,
we are active and creative,
we are grateful to you,
So, you my friend who supports our cause,
please continue to make our life stay stronger.
Thank you so much!

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